Midway vs. Indiana Northwest
@ Adrian, Michigan (SHU Fieldhouse)
8/31/2024 at 10:00 AM

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Midway 25 21 25 25 3
Indiana Northwest 23 25 21 22 1
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
  MIDWAY starters: Aubry Koester; Alyssa Medeiros; Emily Slaughter; Paige Miles; Nyla Gaines; Meghan Adams.  
  INDIANA starters: Josephine Mulligan; Jaelyn Donald; Karly Jevert; Briah Strezo; Julianna Kisel; Erica Packwood.  
1-0 [Aubry Koester] Service ace (Briah Strezo). Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Kill by Josephine Mulligan (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
2-1 [Eva Everett] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
3-2 [Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
4-3 [Kaelan Murphy] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
5-3 [Emily Slaughter] Service ace (Eva Everett). Point MIDWAY
[Emily Slaughter] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Julianna Picicco] Bad set by Marinna Liedle. Point INDIANA
6-5 [Julianna Picicco] Attack error by Julianna Kisel. Point MIDWAY
[Blair Riney] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Erica Packwood] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
7-7 [Erica Packwood] Attack error by Josephine Mulligan. Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Kill by Julianna Kisel (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
8-8 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
9-8 [Aubry Koester] Attack error by Briah Strezo. Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Briah Strezo). Point INDIANA
10-9 [Eva Everett] Service error. Point MIDWAY
11-9 [Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Josephine Mulligan (block by Emily Slaughter; Meghan Adams). Point MIDWAY
12-9 [Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Jaelyn Donald. Point MIDWAY
13-9 [Kylie Kohrs] Service ace (Team). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Karly Jevert (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Josephine Mulligan] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
[Josephine Mulligan] Service ace (Emily Slaughter). Point INDIANA
14-12 [Josephine Mulligan] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Kaelan Murphy] Service ace (Blair Riney). Point INDIANA
15-14 [Kaelan Murphy] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Kaylen Gallenstein). Point MIDWAY
[Emily Slaughter] Service error. Point INDIANA
[Julianna Picicco] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Julianna Picicco] Service ace (Team). Point INDIANA
16-17 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Blair Riney] Service error. Point INDIANA
17-18 [Erica Packwood] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
18-20 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
19-20 [Aubry Koester] Service ace (Chloe Roberts). Point MIDWAY
20-20 [Aubry Koester] Attack error by Josephine Mulligan. Point MIDWAY
21-20 [Aubry Koester] Service ace (Chloe Roberts). Point MIDWAY
22-20 [Aubry Koester] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Kaylen Gallenstein). Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Attack error by Paige Miles. Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Kill by Eva Everett (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
23-22 [Eva Everett] Attack error by Josephine Mulligan. Point MIDWAY
24-22 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Mackenzie Henderson] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
25-23 [Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Aubry Koester). Point MIDWAY
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[Briah Strezo] Attack error by Aubry Koester (block by Julianna Picicco). Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Kill by Jaelyn Donald. Point INDIANA
1-2 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Nyla Gaines (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
2-3 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Alyssa Medeiros (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
3-3 [Anju Sugiya] Service ace (Briah Strezo). Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Attack error by Emily Slaughter. Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
4-5 [Eva Everett] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Emily Slaughter] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Daija Pellot). Point INDIANA
5-6 [Kaelan Murphy] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Blair Riney] Service error. Point INDIANA
6-7 [Chloe Roberts] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Nyla Gaines). Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Erica Packwood] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Erica Packwood] Service ace (Team). Point INDIANA
[Erica Packwood] Service ace (Blair Riney). Point INDIANA
7-11 [Erica Packwood] Service error. Point MIDWAY
8-11 [Aubry Koester] Service ace (Chloe Roberts). Point MIDWAY
9-11 [Aubry Koester] Attack error by Josephine Mulligan. Point MIDWAY
10-11 [Aubry Koester] Service ace (Chloe Roberts). Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Attack error by Emily Slaughter. Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Service ace (Nyla Gaines). Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Service ace (Emily Slaughter). Point INDIANA
11-16 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Nyla Gaines (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
12-16 [Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Briah Strezo (block by Meghan Adams). Point MIDWAY
13-16 [Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Jaelyn Donald. Point MIDWAY
14-16 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Kylie Kohrs). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Julianna Picicco] Service ace (Aubry Koester). Point INDIANA
[Julianna Picicco] Service ace (Aubry Koester). Point INDIANA
15-19 [Julianna Picicco] Attack error by Erica Packwood. Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
[Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Briah Strezo). Point INDIANA
16-21 [Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
17-21 [Emily Slaughter] Attack error by Jaelyn Donald. Point MIDWAY
18-21 [Danica Clark] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Emily Slaughter] Service error. Point INDIANA
[Kaelan Murphy] Attack error by Emily Slaughter. Point INDIANA
19-23 [Kaelan Murphy] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
20-23 [Kaylie Clark] Service ace (Briah Strezo). Point MIDWAY
[Kaylie Clark] Attack error by Nyla Gaines (block by Karly Jevert; Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
21-24 [Chloe Roberts] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Anju Sugiya). Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Kill by Julianna Kisel (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
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1-0 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Paige Miles (from Kaylie Clark). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Paige Miles. Point INDIANA
2-1 [Julianna Picicco] Attack error by Jaelyn Donald (block by Alyssa Medeiros; Meghan Adams). Point MIDWAY
3-1 [Anju Sugiya] Service ace (Briah Strezo). Point MIDWAY
4-1 [Anju Sugiya] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
5-1 [Anju Sugiya] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Karly Jevert (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
6-2 [Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
7-2 [Jessica Florence] Attack error by Karly Jevert (block by Jessica Florence; Meghan Adams). Point MIDWAY
[Jessica Florence] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Kaelan Murphy] Attack error by Meghan Adams. Point INDIANA
8-4 [Kaelan Murphy] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Kaylie Clark] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Chloe Roberts] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
9-6 [Chloe Roberts] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
10-7 [Erica Packwood] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Eva Everett). Point INDIANA
[Briah Strezo] Service ace (Emily Slaughter). Point INDIANA
11-9 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Nyla Gaines (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
12-9 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Paige Miles (from Aubry Koester). Point MIDWAY
13-9 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Emily Slaughter). Point MIDWAY
14-9 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Alyssa Medeiros (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
15-10 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
16-11 [Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Jessica Florence] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Briah Strezo). Point INDIANA
[Kaelan Murphy] Attack error by Meghan Adams (block by Karly Jevert; Briah Strezo). Point INDIANA
17-13 [Kaelan Murphy] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Aubry Koester). Point MIDWAY
18-13 [Kaylie Clark] Attack error by Karly Jevert. Point MIDWAY
19-13 [Kaylie Clark] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Kaylie Clark] Kill by Karly Jevert (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Chloe Roberts] Service ace (Anju Sugiya). Point INDIANA
20-15 [Chloe Roberts] Service error. Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Kill by Erica Packwood (from Briah Strezo). Point INDIANA
[Erica Packwood] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
21-17 [Erica Packwood] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
22-18 [Briah Strezo] Service error. Point MIDWAY
23-18 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Paige Miles (from Kylie Kohrs). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Alyssa Medeiros. Point INDIANA
24-19 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Josephine Mulligan] Attack error by Meghan Adams (block by Karly Jevert; Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
25-21 [Josephine Mulligan] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
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[Chloe Roberts] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Chloe Roberts] Kill by Kaelan Murphy. Point INDIANA
[Chloe Roberts] Service ace (Emily Slaughter). Point INDIANA
1-3 [Chloe Roberts] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Karly Jevert (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Service ace (Aubry Koester). Point INDIANA
2-7 [Eva Everett] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
3-7 [Jessica Florence] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
4-7 [Jessica Florence] Service ace (Eva Everett). Point MIDWAY
5-7 [Jessica Florence] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
6-7 [Jessica Florence] Attack error by Kaelan Murphy (block by Marinna Liedle; Meghan Adams). Point MIDWAY
[Jessica Florence] Service error. Point INDIANA
7-8 [Kaelan Murphy] Kill by Meghan Adams (from Marinna Liedle). Point MIDWAY
[Kaylie Clark] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
[Julianna Picicco] Attack error by Aubry Koester. Point INDIANA
8-10 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Anju Sugiya). Point MIDWAY
9-10 [Paige Miles] Attack error by Chloe Roberts. Point MIDWAY
10-10 [Paige Miles] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Blair Riney). Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Service error. Point INDIANA
[Erica Packwood] Service ace (Emily Slaughter). Point INDIANA
11-12 [Erica Packwood] Kill by Alyssa Medeiros (from Emily Slaughter). Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
12-13 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
13-13 [Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Erica Packwood. Point MIDWAY
14-13 [Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Alyssa Medeiros (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
15-13 [Kylie Kohrs] Attack error by Erica Packwood. Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Service error. Point INDIANA
16-14 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Alyssa Medeiros (from Aubry Koester). Point MIDWAY
17-14 [Anju Sugiya] Attack error by Karly Jevert. Point MIDWAY
[Anju Sugiya] Kill by Kaelan Murphy (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Kill by Karly Jevert. Point INDIANA
[Eva Everett] Attack error by Emily Slaughter (block by Karly Jevert; Kaelan Murphy). Point INDIANA
18-17 [Eva Everett] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Jessica Florence] Kill by Karly Jevert (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
19-18 [Kaelan Murphy] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Blair Riney). Point MIDWAY
20-18 [Kaylie Clark] Attack error by Karly Jevert. Point MIDWAY
21-18 [Kaylie Clark] Kill by Aubry Koester (from Nyla Gaines). Point MIDWAY
[Kaylie Clark] Kill by Kaelan Murphy. Point INDIANA
22-19 [Chloe Roberts] Attack error by Briah Strezo. Point MIDWAY
[Paige Miles] Kill by Julianna Kisel (from Erica Packwood). Point INDIANA
23-20 [Erica Packwood] Kill by Alyssa Medeiros (from Paige Miles). Point MIDWAY
[Aubry Koester] Kill by Briah Strezo (from Josephine Mulligan). Point INDIANA
24-21 [Briah Strezo] Kill by Emily Slaughter (from Anju Sugiya). Point MIDWAY
[Kylie Kohrs] Kill by Julianna Kisel (from Chloe Roberts). Point INDIANA
25-22 [Julianna Picicco] Kill by Paige Miles (from Meghan Adams). Point MIDWAY
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